We know a lot of you didn't even know I was pregnant, but I delivered our baby boy at 18 weeks on Wednesday morning. I had a lot of complications with this pregnancy and was in and out of the hospital and doctors office. It never seemed like a good time to make an announcement, but our boy was perfect and handsome and we want him to be remembered as part of our family.
To those of you who did know I was pregnant and prayed for our little one and myself, we are so grateful for your prayers and support. Now that we've lost him, we are humbled by your outpouring of love for us and baby Logan.
We are heartbroken that we won't get to cuddle him or watch him grow up, but we are encouraged by the fact that we will see him again one day
God has been so good to us and we are thankful that we got to spend an hour loving on our baby before he left us.

Thank you, again, to our friends and family for continuing to help us get through this time of loss.
We love you Logan!
2 Cor. 6:10